Boost your in-store sales performance using AI!

Elevate your retail experience with AI-driven solutions that deliver personalized recommendations, optimize inventory, enhance pricing strategies, and more to drive sales and customer satisfaction.
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Our Core

Exploring Our Why, How, and What
Boost the in-store sales performance.
Bridge the gap between the headquarter and the physical stores by Measuring and optimizing in real time:
  • The in-store customer experience
  • The store's catchment area attractiveness
  • The in-store marketing performance.
Set up the BLUEDOVE’s AI Solutions pack.


Empowering your business with cutting-edge tools and functionalities.
Scalable Infrastructure
Scale effortlessly to meet growing demands with our flexible and robust infrastructure.Scale effortlessly to meet growing demands with our flexible and robust infrastructure.
Real-time Analytics
Get instant insights into your data with real-time analytics, empowering data-driven decision-making.
Advanced Security
Rest easy knowing your data is protected with top-of-the-line security measures.
Intuitive Interface
Enjoy a user-friendly and intuitive interface for seamless navigation and boost productivity.
24/7 Support
Receive round-the-clock support from our dedicated team to ensure a smooth experience.
Automated Workflows
Optimize your processes with automated workflows, saving time and reducing manual errors.

Our Solutions

Discover What Sets Us Apart
Real Time Reporting Tool

A SAAS platform enabling sales teams to measure in real-time the impact of their actions on both the in-store customer experience (waiting time, queue, occupancy, operations timing...) and the store’s catchment area attractiveness (external traffic, attractiveness, conversion rate, agent scoring...).

Moreover, RTRT proposes action plans based on the situation of every store of the network.

No Waiting APP

A mobile API that shares the in-store occupancy and waiting time information with the company's app users in real time.

Download on the
No Waiting Display

A dynamic display that shares real-time occupancy and waiting time with the present customers in the outlet.

To be installed at the entry of the outlet.

Smart Advertising Display

An in-store smart dynamic display that shows targeted content based on the gender and age of the present customers and the store’s occupancy.


Steps to Set Up Your BLUEDOVE Pack :
1. Install or Access Cameras:
2. Plug in AI Software:
3. Determine Data Collection zones:
4. Cleanse Data with 98% Accuracy:
5. Interface with the Managers’ and the Customers’ interfaces:
Our AI system complies with GDPR conditions for data protection and privacy.

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+212 648377797

@ 2023 BLUEDOVE, Inc. All rights reserved